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+ 507 310-2853

+ 507 310-9910

Whatsapp +507 6375-9064



The Panama Clinic. Torre A, piso 10. Consultorio 1014-1015


Monday to Friday:
9:00 am – 6:00 pm

Saturday: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm

Sunday: Closed

Clear your doubts!

Frequent questions:

How long does the recovery after plastic surgery take?

La recuperación después de una cirugía plástica puede variar dependiendo del tipo de procedimiento y de la salud general del paciente. En general, la mayoría de los pacientes pueden regresar al trabajo y realizar actividades diarias normales después de una o dos semanas. Sin embargo, es importante seguir las instrucciones postoperatorias del cirujano plástico para una recuperación completa y segura.

Can I have more than one plastic surgery at the same time?

Yes, it is possible to have more than one plastic surgery at the same time. This is known as combined plastic surgery. However, each case is unique and the plastic surgeon must assess the general health of the patient and any possible risks before proceeding.

How long do the results of plastic surgery last?

The duration of the results of a plastic surgery depends on the type of procedure and how the patient cares for his body after the operation. Some procedures, such as liposuction, can produce permanent results as long as the patient maintains a healthy diet and exercises regularly. Other procedures, such as botox or dermal fillers, can take several months before a touch-up is required.

Are there any risks associated with plastic surgery?

All plastic surgeries carry certain risks, such as infections, allergic reactions, bleeding, and complications during anesthesia. It is important that patients choose an experienced and licensed plastic surgeon to minimize these risks. In addition, patients must carefully follow postoperative instructions to reduce any risk of complications.


Receive a personalized consultation with the surgeon either through a virtual or in-person appointment.

Virtual consultations are available for both domestic and international patients.